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Love, What Is It?

I had to take a line from Envogue (thus, the title).  Love sucks (such an ugly, inappropriate word, but I know no other that suffices)'s so confusing, so overwhelming, so complicated, and so discouraging.  For my positive post, you'll have to catch me on another day.  Thank God for perspective, though.  It would be great if my heart caught up with the maturity of my head.  I think that parts of my body are at war.  There's a constant tug-of-war going on inside myself.  I think that is all for today.  I look forward to better days.  Today is a blessed day, but clarity and peace are invaluable...if anyone finds the latter two, please let them know I'm looking for them. lol (but not too loud...did I mention it sucks?)

1 comment:

An Imperfect Momma said...

Totally understand ... praying for better days for you