Before leaving, tell me what you liked/disliked about my site. Simply leave me a comment to one of my postings, complete the poll below, or rate the site in the designated area...and as always, it's been a pleasure serving you at Cafe' Camille!

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Ok, so I know that it's been a long time, since we last sat across from one another and enjoyed a cup of cafe'.  I've had quite a few life changes...or least things that have maintained my attention and time; however, I still care for you and am concerned about your lives.  I will probably not make very regular appearances/entries, as life calls...but I will keep you in mind.  Life is for the living, so that's what I intend to an active participant.  It kicks my behind sometimes (ok, in reality?  A lot of times), but it's nothing I can't handle.  The Sweet Lord has promised to give me no more than I can bare, and I trust Him.  Take care, and let's meet back up here at some point in the near future...just have your people call my people...yeah, as if!

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