Before leaving, tell me what you liked/disliked about my site. Simply leave me a comment to one of my postings, complete the poll below, or rate the site in the designated area...and as always, it's been a pleasure serving you at Cafe' Camille!

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What's on your bucketlist?  Mine is below.  I'm inviting you to accompany me and be a voyeur into my life as I strive to accomplish my dreams.  I will continue to add to the list, as I'm inspired, and as I accomplish each goal, I will cross that item off.  Let's see how far I get and whether I'm able to overcome adversities (i.e., the naysayers, my own insecurities and fears, time, and perfectionism which often leads to procrastination/immobilization).  I encourage each of you to do the same with your life, but please do not copy my page.

  1. Strengthen My Relationship With God--Work in Progress (Excuse the Detour/construction)
  2. Grow My Avon Business--It's beginning to look good (word-of-mouth is wonderful!)..just goes to show when you resort to a smile, kindness, attentiveness, and patience, you will receive your due reward. I'm not really feeling it lately. Too much out of pocket rather than in..."May I Be Excused?"...
  3. Obtain Blog Followers--(I halfway obtained this goal, so I've halfway crossed it out)
  4. Develop My Other Business Ideas (i.e., teaching spanish, organization business, teaching keyboarding skills to novices)--slow, but promising 
  5. Help support My Family so that They can Live Out Their Own Dreams
  6. Travel The world--especially to a country where spanish is the predominant language in order to enhance my skills
  7. Look for ways to Save Money--I am trying to become better at this coupon seems to require some serious legwork to be effective.
  8. Strengthen My Relationship With God
  9. Advocate (will continue this goal though)
  10. Inspire Others Who Are Intimidated By The Idea of Pursuing Higher Education or Feel They Are Incapable--dispel myths about those with letters behind their names (i.e., Ph.D., M.D., etc.)--Semi-accomplished...helping my neighbor and sister, who are both nontraditional students.
  11. Reflect Daily & Look for Ways to Better Myself An ongoing goal

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