This page will be dedicated to documenting my pursuit of becoming an entrepreneur...omg, now that I've announced it, I suppose I have to become more serious about it and can't take it back. The thought is immobilizing and I feel a bit noxious. It's a very scary thought, but I thought that perhaps it might informative to others who will follow, and maybe it will save others unnecessary heartaches and lessons learned...that's right, I'm volunteering myself to be the guinny pig--putting myself in the position of vulnerability for the sake of others. We'll see how it goes...stay tuned!
04/03/12: I'm still pursuing this goal. I haven't given up on it. I have a few ideas, but the timing's not quite right. I have so many other things to get in order first.
Uhmm?...Well, how many days would today (06/11/11) be past Day 4? Who cares? The just of it is that I've neglected this portion of my page like it's the stepchild. I can say though that things are looking good/better (yes, I know the slash is annoying, but I'm indecisive when it comes to picking one). I believe that God will bless my business. Now, I know that He has alot of things to take care of rather than being concerned with whether my business suceeds (out of all of the things in the world for Him to be concerned with), but seeing that my intentions are pure and my heart is in the right place (motivated by the possibility of taking care of my mom/family/those in need), I think He might be willing, especially since He said I could say to my mountain be removed and cast into the sea as long as I have faith and never doubt. I trust Him because He's never given me reason to not do so. I could tell you personal, miraculous stories that would make you, who see things from a worldly view, discredit anything else I said. But those of us who walk by faith will believe and those who do not, will not. Enough said, at least I think. But I digress.
Day 4: 05/14/11
I don't quite know what I feel this
Success or Bust Day 4: 05/13/11
No, this is not some kind of joke. Neither am I terrible at counting. I realize that it appears that I have skipped day 3, but actually I had posted something yesterday only to come here today to find it missing. I don't have the energy today to recall what I had originally posted. I feel disappointed. This entrepreneur thing is easier in theory than in actuality. But, I have decided that I will march forward whole-heartedly with all my being invested. So I guess you can say that I'm Success or Bust. But it is frightening, as you can't say to bill collectors, "I know that it looks bad right now, but I have a plan, if you can you just hold on a bit longer"--yeah, I'm sure that won't fly. But what's the use of doing something if you don't give it all you got? In the meanwhile, anybody got Donald Trump's or Bill Gate's number?--I think I might need a favor (as if! lol)
Day 2: 05/11/11
I began the morning trying to spruce up my page so that it is more appealing to viewers...enticing others to follow. I understand that a good following takes time..people have to get to know you and decide that you are interesting enough to grant you some of their precious time...until then, I'm trying hard to capture others' attention by trying to separate my blog from the rest..essentially, I'm wooing and courting (or, as they say here in the south, "coating") my potential followers. Yes, this is a shameless plug/plea.
Day 1: 05/10/11
My best friend and I are both interested in becoming entrepreneurers. We are both encouraging each other to move forward. She believes that the timing is perfect for me now that I'm unemployed (no need to cry for me, Argentina..I'm not disappointed bc the departure was overdue). I am trying to use my natural skills and talents to help others while earning a living.
Well, it's obvious that I got off-track with this goal. I'm somewhat confused about what I want to do. I have the desire and motivation but the money's another thing.
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