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Where's Waldo?

Where is Waldo?  Or better yet, where have I been?  I've been spending my nights working, which is funny cause that's also how I spend my days. lol, but not too loudly.  I am in search of the me I hope to be, when I grow up...just hope that my growth spurt doesn't come late.  Anywho, I am so glad to have survived another round of those terrible storms.  Tornado sirens are not my favorite sound.  At least I know that my emergency flashlight is working and got a chance to check out some things in my closet, while hid out there through the storm warnings, about which I had forgotten.  Again, I'm making lemonade.  Well, seeing as I'm not even half way done for the night, I suppose that I should hop to it. Tootles! lol...oh yeah, and when I get a chance to get back to this blog regularly, I'll make it a little more impressive.  So faithful followers (who am I kidding?...faithful follower), stay tuned.

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