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No, this blog has not been abandoned.  I'm just spending another weekend doing work.  I never dreamed I'd be working on my days off.  I always said that I believe in separation of work and home life...basically, I believe in working hard, while at the office, and relaxing hard while away, but I guess a grown-up has to do what a grown-up has to do.  Bills don't pay themselves.  But something has definitely got to give. 
 This will NOT be my life.  You would think that many years in school (no, I didn't fail) = big reward/more flexibility, but sometimes life doesn't always obey the rules of logic.  I've heard people say so frequently to me that all of those years in school will pay off one day..well, with a hundred grand in debt, I'm still waiting.  I think people are naive sometimes...for some reason, they think that others who have a higher degree--MD, Ph.D., lawyers, etc.--have it made.  Yet, what they don't realize is how much it costs to fund the education/expertise that comes with that higher degree.  And Sallie Mae, or aunt Sallie as I call her, comes looking for her money with interest as soon as you leave campus.  And there are so many expenses associated with obtaining and maintaining the certification necessary to even be able to practice those professions.  But, what am I rambling on about?  I'm beyond blessed.  I don't want to be Debbie Downer or ungrateful.  I just want to be share some of the inside information that is rarely talked about.  I know that mothers can relate.  I mean, how many of you learned things about being pregnant, giving birth, or the after-birth that you wished someone had prepared you for or told you about?  Well, I guess I just wouldn't have people be naive about the grass on the other side of the fence. 

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