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Lemonade Anyone?

They say when life hands you lemons, you should make lemonade, but let's be real...sometimes there's an aftertaste, no matte how much sugar you add to the mix.  You ever follow a recipe, word-for-word, step-by-step, exactly, but it still didn't come out right?  Well, sometimes life's like that.  You come up against the toughest situations and follow all of the rules to the letter, but you still seem to never come out on top.  But my suggestion, like with an actual dish that turned out incorrectly, or just not quite right, you should backtrack--retrace your steps.  You may be shocked to find out that you missed one important step, or that regretfully you substituted a generic ingredient for the real thing.  I don't quite know what the key ingredient is that makes your dish what it is..that gives it its pazzaz, but for me it's God.  Life just isn't the same without love and love would not be possible without God and His Son Jesus.  This is not an attempt to convert anyone or meant to offend anyone, but the truth is just that--the truth.  I pray that all are blessed. 

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