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My day has really been uneventful.  First, there was work.  Then there was home.  Then there was work at home.  And now I'm sneaking in a blog before I return to work at home. blah.  All the aforementioned events have been interrupted by others in my life who seem to be going on with life, while mine seems to be at a standstill.  Sometimes I wonder if we appear to God as little lab mice  
 or, better yet, hamsters monotonously running on a wheel...Going fast to get nowhere soon.  One day we look up and and our lives have passed us up.  While we were so busy trying to get somewhere, in the hustle and bustle, life was out running us.  Or, maybe we're running through a maze (forgive me for sticking with the rodent theme here) and by the time we find the correct pathway, it's too late.  I feel this way sometimes as I spend the majority of my time and life, for that matter, at work in order to make a fund opportunities to live out my dreams.  It's funny that we are always saving up to "one day"  be able to enjoy and live life to the fullest, rather than seizing the day while it is young.  After all, I've heard that Europeans (and it appears to be true, based on my European friends) work to live, rather than live to work, as we've been accused of doing.  I'm not content with life as is.  For me, there must be more to it and I am adamant on realizing it.  I'm officially on the bus to next stop--CARPE DIEM (seize the day)!

P.S. I'm visiting  today

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