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Avon Interrupted?

I'm thinking about changing the name of my blog to Avon Interrupted.  I've decided to take a pause on the Avon, while I decide whether to resume.  It didn't quite work out as planned.  I began the biz as a way to earn a little something on the side.  This economy's hard on everyone.  Well, it just so happened that I ended up losing whatever profit I made to keep the biz afloat.  I understand that you have to invest in a business before it is successful, but when does the investment end?  Forgive me, but I happen to like the luxuries of know, food, shelter, utilities, transportation, etc.  I just couldn't afford it.  One day when I'm back on my foot and my life resembles those cool commercials that tell me I will earn at least over $35, 000 more than my counterparts without the fancy letters stalking their names, I will perhaps return to Avon...we'll see. 

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