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You Might Be Green To Blogging If

This humorous thought/idea came to me right after I logged off and shut down my computer.  It was just in the nick of time, as it took away my concerns for a moment and elicited a chuckle from me....

Signs that you might be Green to Blogging:

You Might Be Green to blogging, if:
  1. You Sign in and out of Blogger over a million times a day
  2. You keep up with the number of pageviews better than that new Feedjit widget you added to your page
  3. You notice that your only follower has your same name--that's because, sadly, you're the only one who has decided to publicly (or anonymously, if you've gone this route) to follow your blog
  4. You have to check the clock to see if it's malfunctioning, since 9 am has become 2 pm.

Well, that's all I have right now, but I will probably think of others as the day goes by.  But, please, feel free to add to my list ...tell me how you know that you might be green to blogging?  Comments welcomed.

1 comment:

An Imperfect Momma said...

LOL! I love it...have none to add but they are all so true!