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To Wed or Not To Wed; Oh baby, or Oh No?!

Is there any room left for the single and childless in 30's?  Each time I complete a survey or fill out an application, I select the "single" option--although I have been in a long-term relationship for a decade.  Time and time again, I'm forced to grapple with the fact that the clock is ticking and I have no part of the American Dream.  But, just whose dream is it, and why is there an implicit assumption that being thirty with no husband and no child equals devastation?  I beg to differ! I mean, don't get me wrong...I hold back
 a tear each time I see a happy married couple and let go a resounding "Ooh," "Aah," and "Coo" everytime I lay eyes on one of those precious, untainted darlings.  However, I'm not sure that it's all that bad to be without husband or child, and only God knows what the future holds.  Yet, I am content (well, mostly) with where I am in life right now.  While I do envy (not really envy--more like admire) having the stability of a marriage and adore the little ones, I DON'T envy fighting someone to keep my space orderly or not being able to be spontaneous or enjoy things on a whim (without thorough planning).   However, please don't mistunderstand what I'm saying hat goes off to those who carry a membership to the parenthood and marriage club, but that's one club (or two, if you're counting) that I'm glad to not have a current invitation.

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